McGuigan Zero Shiraz 750ml McGuigan Zero Shiraz 750ml
4.5 stars - "Review for McGuigan Zero Shiraz 750ml" This McGuigan Zero Shiraz 750ml is the best Non Alcoholic Beverages I have tried.
  • McGuigan Zero Shiraz 750ml - Image 1
  • McGuigan Zero Shiraz 750ml - Image 1

McGuigan Zero Shiraz 750ml

Product ID: 56600

View or buy the Non Alcoholic Beverages Non Alcoholic Beverages - McGuigan Zero Shiraz 750ml from MCGUIGAN to discover other options and shipping details.


Free from alcohol, full in flavour, the McGuigan Zero range is a contemporary alcohol-free range that allows you to enjoy wine without the alcohol. The flavour profile and characteristics of each variety are as you would expect, proving that you dont need alcohol to enjoy a full-flavoured experience in the glass. Perfect for any occasion where you want to enjoy wine without the alcohol.

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